The new figurehead of a Farnham group that lives to give wants to “open up” his club so more people can benefit.

John Vilton has exciting plans for Farnham Weyside Rotary Club having being elected president of the altruistic group.

The long-serving Rotarian is keen to open up the club to the community and to make meetings less formal and more fun with greater variety, social activities, visits and top quality talks.

He also wants to encourage more people of all ages and backgrounds to join the club, while boosting involvement and increasing its links with local organisations.

There are plenty of opportunities for local firms and organisations to help as the Farnham duck race, festival of transport and pilgrim marathon are among the club’s major events.

The club’s future programme will be published in advance on their website so the public can identify meetings of interest. 

Meetings will take place from 7pm on the first, third and fifth Tuesday of the month at the Bush Hotel with places bookable through a message to the secretary.

John lives in Farnham and has been a member of several clubs for nearly 20 years, has already received plenty of goodwill since taking the reins of the group.

For more information about the club and to make contact visit or look for Farnham, Weyside Rotary Club on Facebook.

Anyone interested in attending one of their meetings should contact the secretary through the website or email directly at [email protected]