BEFORE urging a packed audience at Haslemere Hall to remain in the EU at last week’s Brexit debate, Lord ‘Paddy’ Ashdown gave an early evening talk to pupils, parents and staff at Amesbury Prep School, in Hindhead.
He gave a brief account about how he came to be involved in politics and pupils and parents then had an opportunity to ask questions.
They ranged from: “If the pupils could vote in the forthcoming referendum what were the three key things that they should consider”, to “What was the most difficult thing when having to lead soldiers in battle”.
A question about his experiences in MI6, however, was neatly deflected.
Lord Ashdown told year eight pupil George Hall, the youngest son of Haslemere town councillor Ged Hall, he had the makings of a future prime minister, and fellow student Seb Burrage, whose ambition is to become an accountant, he will make a very fine Chancellor of the Exchequer.
The former Lib Dem leader concluded by saying “how lucky we are to live in a democracy and to be able to vote”.
Year eight pupil Brodie Petrie thanked Lord Ashdown on behalf of everyone attending for finding the time in his busy diary to come to Amesbury, and the school’s distinguished guest received three rousing cheers.