Surrey County Council (SCC) has responded to outcry over a letter sent to parents of children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). 

Parents of children with SEND were left panicking after receiving a letter telling them they had until September 12 to decide their child’s placement preference.

It was delivered on August 12 during the school holidays. Many parents are having to make a preference without having visited the school or attended an open day.

National statutory deadlines are February 15 (for pupils coming into Reception, Years 3 and 7) and March 31 (for pupils completing Year 11). These national deadlines remain the same.

“I feel the council has stolen some of our time,” said Sam, 45, who needs to make a preference for her ten-year-old daughter.

“Parents with SEND children already have a lot on their plate […] and then SCC throws this at us.”

Sam, who has four children with SEND, is not new to the process. She said the other parents in her daughter’s class have been “horrified” by the new deadline.

Children with SEND are reviewed by a panel as to what school setting will meet their needs. Rachel, who’s son has special needs, said the SCC panel’s recommendations do not tie in with her own thoughts or wishes, or her son’s current school’s recommendation.

The letter was designed to remind parents of the national deadline and determine their school preference so the consultation process could be on time.

SCC leader, Cllr Tim Oliver, said: “There has been no change to any statutory deadlines in the process for allocating school places for children with an EHCP. Deadlines for local authorities are set nationally.

“We are working hard to improve services and our most recent Local Area SEND inspection noted the important actions we are taking are starting to make a difference.”