Kate Powell, the Anna Chaplain for Alton, has loved getting to know the older community of Alton.

She especially enjoys their colourful life stories and attitudes to life. In our Growing Old Gracefully series, Kate shares the profiles of some of these amazing people and why they chose Alton to live out their final chapter of life. Here she talks to Pip Kirkness.

1) How old are you and how long have you lived in Alton?

I am 76 years old and have lived in Alton since 1979 – so quite a long time now.

2) What made you choose Alton?

Unfortunately, at the age of 31 and with two young children, I found myself homeless, but my cousin offered me a job as a groom on the farm he worked in Newton Valance, which included a tied house.

I lived there until I was offered a council house in Shalden but, in 1999, I had a terrible car accident which left me blind, so the council moved me to Alton due to the fact I could no longer drive, and that made my life much easier.

3) What do you like most about Alton?

I grew up in the countryside and used to find town people always in a rush. But Alton seemed different. I found the people here very friendly from the beginning. It was a much smaller town when I moved here, but even though it has grown significantly the people have remained very friendly, which I appreciate – especially when I get lost and can’t work out where I am.

4) Tell me a little bit about a favourite time in your life?

A lot of sad things have happened but I like to concentrate on happier times and stay positive.

I enjoy thinking about the best years of my life, which is when I worked with horses. When I was 15 I got a job on a polo yard in Sussex. What the owner didn’t realise was that I was terrified of the people who rode the polo ponies, but I didn’t let it show as I was determined not to go back home.

I overcame my fear and finished the season, and that experience gave me the qualifications to find a job in Rutland working with a variety of horses, from hunting to show horses. I can safely say those were some of my best years - the beauty of the place and all the different horses made me high on life.

5) What are your hopes and dreams for the future?

I am so happy with my home in a quiet corner of Alton, and living with Alice - my guide dog and best friend - that I don’t want for anything.

A hope would be to stay healthy and active for as long as possible so I can continue to enjoy the groups I attend and spend quality time with my children and grandchildren.

For further information on the Anna Chaplaincy call Kate Powell on 07539 026546.