A developer says its plans for up to 146 new ‘family homes’ either side of Waverley Lane in Farnham are “vitally needed” in the area.
Wates Developments recently submitted proposals for up to 146 new homes on a site known locally as Compton Fields, to Waverley Borough Council – as previously reported in the Herald.
This, it says, responds to the identified housing need in this part of Surrey and comes after Wates’ last application was rejected at appeal in 2018.
But the application is in direct conflict with the Farnham Neighbourhood Plan and Waverley Local Plan, as the site is just south east of south Farnham’s defined settlement boundary.
Wates’ latest proposals include 146 new homes, of which 54 will be affordable, 14 acres of green space, local highway improvements and a contribution of around £3.5 million in Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funding.
It’s 2018 scheme proposed 157 homes on the same site, either side of Waverley Lane.
The development would also provide 14 acres of public Suitable Alternative Natural Green (SANG) space, traffic calming measures along Waverley Lane, and ongoing protection for the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).
A spokesman said Wates Developments have made amendments to the original proposal following a Planning Inspectorate recommendation in 2016 and subsequent Secretary of State decision in 2018.
As well as reduction in the number of homes, the amended proposal also now includes two new children’s play facilities, increased landscape buffers, an increase of public open space, and a new pond and wetland feature.
In addition, Wates says the site will see an increase of public open space and walkways. The proposals are set back from Waverley Lane, to provide a green fronting to the development and a new pond and wetland feature will encourage biodiversity and wildlife.
The spokesman added: “We are delighted to submit our planning application to Waverley Borough Council and are fully committed to bringing vitally needed new homes to this part of Surrey.
“Following feedback from the community, we have worked with our technical team to revise the proposals to include 146 new family homes, including 54 affordable homes.
“As part of our submission to Waverley Borough Council our plans include extensive public open space, children’s play space and create significant high-quality habitat.”
Waverley Borough Council refused Wates’ 2018 application on the grounds that “the proposal by virtue of its location, number of dwellings, density, scale, urbanising impact and impact on landscape character, would cause material and detrimental harm to the intrinsic character, beauty and openness of the countryside and character and appearance of the area”.
View Wates’ latest plans and comment online here. A date is yet to be set for Waverley Borough Council to determine the application.