Plans for a cemetery and woodland burial site next to St John’s Church in Lower Hale, Farnham, have been ‘refined’ and will go on public display on Tuesday (June 28) from 4pm to 7pm.

The proposals for a single-storey pavilion and associated landscaping have been submitted on behalf of the Ismaili Trust, a faith-based charity which works for the benefit of the Ismaili Muslim community. In October 2020, the Ismaili Trust acquired the Land at Lower Hale, which has existing planning consent to be used as a cemetery and woodland burial site.

A drop-in public exhibition was held to give members of the public an opportunity to see the initial proposals in November 2021.

Following “initial engagement and further technical work”, a spokesman for the Ismaili Trust said it has now refined the proposals and notified neighbours and stakeholders of its follow-up drop-in session.

Members of the public are invited to attend the exhibition from 4pm to 7pm on Tuesday, June 28, where there will be a short presentation about the proposals, after which residents can meet the project team, provide feedback, and ask any questions they may have.

The drop-in session will take place at the Hotel Daniele Sicilian restaurant, Hale Road, Farnham, GU9 9RP.

The Ismaili Trust spokesman added: “Following on from the session, we will be launching a website where you will be able to view the exhibition boards showcased and keep up to date with the planning application.”