A RESIDENT of Park Row, located off Castle Street in the centre of Farnham, has joined forces with an architect to create a new vision for the busy street.

Mark Whitford says he has “put my money where my mouth is” by paying Abode Architects to produce a design for Castle Street, as shown on the right.

The plan shows four pinch points up the street, aimed at reducing vehicle speeds, a reduction of parking from 74 spaces to six, and an increase of resident parking from 37 spaces to 76 spaces, while two disabled parking spaces will remain.

In total, the number of parking spaces will be reduced from 113 to 84.

As shown on the plan, buildings of interest – including the Nelson Arms pub, the Almshouses, the Giggling Squid and Pizza Express – would have trees, benches and planters outside, instead of parking spaces.

Mr Whitford decided to create the proposal as he says: “The place needs to be returned somewhat to what it used to be. At the moment it’s been taken over totally by cars.”

So far, Mr Whitford has spoken to Surrey county councillor for the Farnham North division, Stephen Spence, county councillor for Farnham Central, Andy MacLeod, Farnham town councillor for the Farnham Castle ward, George Hesse, and MP for South West Surrey and foreign secretary Jeremy Hunt.

Mr Whitford told the Herald: “None of them is against it. I’m not saying they are totally for it but they cannot see any reason why it shouldn’t be done.

“Jeremy Hunt didn’t have any objections to it at all. He didn’t say ‘oh, marvellous idea, let’s go ahead’ but he’s looking at it and said it seemed reasonable.

“So he’s not saying ‘yes, I’m going to back it’ – although he may well do if enough people, councillors and residents say it’s a good idea.

“Andy MacLeod and Stephen Spence came to my house and they said it sounded like a good idea as well. And George Hesse, the Castle ward councillor, supported it.”

Mr Whitford says he has also spoken to at least 20 or 30 residents. “None of them thinks it’s a bad idea – especially the people whose houses front where I suggest we come out into the road,” he said.

“They’re obviously for it and of course the areas which I’ve put on the map to go into the road can go anywhere.

“Somebody can have a different idea but it’s the principle that matters.”

He has approached several businesses in Castle Street – including Bills, Giggling Squid and Pizza Express – to discuss his plans.

Mr Whitford said: “They didn’t say anything against it. They can perhaps see it would cause them a bit of a problem because not so many people can park there, but I don’t think it’s going to make much difference.

“I suppose, for the early evening eaters who arrive at 7pm, there won’t be so many spaces and they’re going to have to go to the car park. but then it allows the residents to be able to park.”

Mr Whitford admittedly does not know how much his plan would cost, but hopes it would be no more “than a few hundred thousand pounds”.

He added: “Money is a problem – I have mentioned the fact that to start this, if it were a goer, crowdfunding could be a solution.

“I would definitely put some money – a few thousand pounds – into it.

“Most of the residents in Castle Street are probably fairly wealthy and I cannot believe they would not want to put in a bit of money to start the ball rolling, and to show people we’re serious.

“I have put my money where my mouth is. Nothing is ever going to happen by just talking about it, so I’ve actually shown I’m serious.

“It’s a reasonable plan and I can’t see anybody thinking it’s a terrible idea.”

Moving forward, Mr Whitford now hopes somebody who is “part of the leadership team” in either Surrey, Waverley or Farnham will take it on.

“Or perhaps Jeremy Hunt will have the power to do something about it,” he said.

“I’m not a councillor, I’m not a politician, I’m just a resident just off Castle Street who thinks it’s a good idea. Somebody has to take it on. I’m just hoping somebody will.”