Police are investigating a spate of break-ins at charity shops in Surrey and Hampshire.

Sue Ryder, Oxfam Books and Music in Farnham were burgled overnight between 5pm on September 11 and 6am on September 12.

Oxfam on South Street, Farnham
Oxfam on South Street, Farnham (Marcus McQuilton)

More than £600 in cash - some intended for the staff Christmas party - was stolen from a safe at Sue Ryder on South Street.

Sue Ryder intended to open its doors later that day and Oxfam Books and Music on The Borough and Oxfam on East Street remained closed.

MP Gregory Stafford said: “I am shocked to hear that a number of charity shops in Farnham have been targeted overnight and broken into.

“I have been in contact with Surrey Police today and have been advised they are launching an investigation.

“The staff and volunteers that operate these outlets for charities do vital work to support important causes for communities both here and around the country.”

A Sue Ryder volunteer commented: “I think it is disgusting they would target charity shops in Farnham.”

Reports also came in of a break in at Oxfam on Alton High Street between 6pm on September 13 and 8am on September 14. According to Hampshire Police, a number of mobile phones and a collection box were stolen and an investigation is underway.

Prior to the incidents in Farnham and Alton, two Oxfam shops in Winchester were targeted on September 8 and 9. A gold broach and £800 in cash was stolen along with vintage coins, around ten smartphones and an iPad.

Sue Ryder on South Street ,Farnham
Sue Ryder on South Street,Farnham (Marcus McQuilton)