The Liberal Democrats have launched their General Election manifesto – with their Parliamentary candidate for Farnham & Bordon insisting the party will give voters “the change they want”.

A “bold” and fully costed £9billion plan to tackle the NHS health and care crisis is central while their proposals also include plans to overhaul the water industry and tackle sewage pollution.

They also want a dedicated health professional in every primary and secondary school and a return to community policing with a new burglary response that’s “guaranteed to tackle unsolved crimes”.

Khalil Yousuf has talked up the manifesto, which aims to give everyone the right to see a GP within seven days or 24 hours if urgent, following its launch early this week.

Some 8,000 more MPs, guaranteed access to an NHS dentist and a 100 per cent guarantee to start cancer treatment within 62 days of urgent referral are among the pledges.

Mr Yousuf said: “Families and pensioners throughout Farnham & Bordon are fed up with being taken for granted by the Conservative party.

“Every vote for the Liberal Democrats at this election is a vote to elect a strong local champion who will fight every day for our NHS and care.

The Prospective Parliamentary Candidate added: “People desperately want change, from fixing our health and care services to returning to proper community policing – and the Liberal Democrats have a plan to make our community a better place.

“The Liberal Democrats are fighting for local people and giving communities the change they want.”