WAVERLEY residents are good recyclers, recycling around 50 cent of their waste, however, with around 80 per cent of the average household’s waste being recyclable, there is a lot of scope for improvement.
Simon Thornton, Waverley’s portfolio holder for environment services, said: “More recycling means less pollution, less waste of valuable resources and more money to spend on more useful things like parks, playgrounds or simply helping to keep council tax low. Recycling makes a big difference and I hope people will recycle more materials as a result of the campaign”
To get the message across Waverley’s recycling team is taking a campaign trailer around the borough as part of its ‘Why Recycle? campaign’. Staff will be available to provide advice and information and to listen to residents about their views on recycling and how it could be improved.
The tour began last week (July 29) at Haslemere High Street car park and is continuing through August and September. The trailer paid its first visit to Farnham on Sunday and will be returning on Tuesday, August 25.
As well as the tour, the campaign includes bin stickers showing what can and cannot be recycled, posters on vehicle sides, campaign web pages (www.waverley.gov.uk/whyrecycle?) and animated films to be circulated through social media.