The Rural Life Living Museum (RLLM) in Tilford received a grant towards its new nature trail project.

Farnham mayor Cllr Brodie Mauluka, visited the museum at the end of August to present a Community Grant cheque for the new tree trail installed by staff and volunteers.

The project was chosen to celebrate the museum’s Arboretum planted by one of its founders, Henry Jackson. Planted in the 1950s, it contains more than 100 species of trees from around the world.

Mr Jackson himself remarked that it was the part of his legacy that he was most proud of. The project was match funded by local firm Harmony Energy at Wrecclesham. 

A RLLM spokesperson said: “The museum is very grateful to both these organisations. The trail consists of posts around the Arboretum topped with engraved metal plates.Visiting children can make wax rubbings of the leaf and seed of the tree near-bye.”