THE former leader of Waverley Borough Council and a long-time Farnham resident Jill Ferguson has died after a long illness at the age of 67.

Although her family was originally from Newcastle on Tyne, Jill very much belonged to this area, having lived at Ewhurst and then at Tilford during the 1960s and been at school at St Catherine’s, Bramley.

After a geography degree at Durham University, she had a successful career as a senior civil servant, mostly working in the Ministry of Defence. 

She divided her time for many years between her London flat and Farnham, where her mother lived in Castle Street.

A staunch Liberal Democrat, Jill represented the Farnham Castle ward and was leader of Waverley from 2003 to 2007 when the Lib Dems were last in control of the borough council.

The current chairman of Waverley Lib Dems and a former colleague at Waverley, Stewart Edge, said: “Jill’s leadership skills were well demonstrated during the period - with a small Lib Dem majority she managed changes to the council’s senior management structure and also to the recycling collection systems.

“With a gentle and approachable style, she gained respect for her competence and commitment.”

Jill originally joined the Lib Dems when living in Wiltshire, standing later as a Parliamentary candidate for North Tyneside against Stephen Byers where she doubled the Lib Dem vote.

Mr Edge added: “She liked hosting meetings and events in her beautiful house in Castle Street and many people will have fond memories of good times spent around her big wooden kitchen table.

“She loved to laugh but her humour was never malicious and was very often directed against herself.”

A keen artist, Jill was chairman of the Farnham Art Society for a number of years. It was Jill’s drive and initiative which led to the opening of ‘pop-up’ art shops during the Christmas period selling members’ work and displaying their talents.

Lindsay J Berry, honourable secretary of the Farnham Art Society, said: “Knowing Jill only since I joined the FAS committee in 2009 meant I had obviously missed out on many years of joyful friendship. I wish I had met her years ago as we had such a laugh together.

“We joked about her late onset and sudden consuming fascination with Bob Dylan, something which attacked me in my teens many years ago but, for Jill, became a passion on retirement.

“When she heard I had been to the Isle of White Festival in the 1960s she was determined to see him in concert and when on a continental holiday she found herself actually sitting with him while he was singing in the garden of where he was staying.

“She couldn’t wait to tell me this snippet of precious time she had experienced. She became a serious collector of all things ‘Bob’.

“For Farnham Art Society her chairmanship and continued presence on the committee was greatly appreciated giving us the benefit of her vast experience in all aspects of legal, governmental and personal knowledge of Farnham and its residents.

“Her enthusiasm took us beyond the expected events and she was the inspiration behind our ‘pop-up’ art shops. She was such a lovely lady, generous with her time and will be seriously missed by all who knew her.”

Paul Wenham, executive director at Waverley Borough Council, said: “It was with great sadness that Waverley learnt of the death of former councillor Gillian Ferguson.

“Miss Ferguson was elected to Waverley in May 2003 and was a member of the executive, responsible for devolution, town and village liaison and partnership working before becoming deputy leader in 2004 and then leader of the council in 2005.

“Miss Ferguson held the position of leader for two years and was an extremely dedicated, diplomatic and courteous councillor who served the borough with great dignity.

“The council offers its sincerest condolences to her family and friends.”

The funeral arrangements are yet to be confirmed, but will be published online at in due course.