RECENT scientific research suggests we should be eating 10 portions of fruit and vegetables a day to help live a longer life. To many people that may sound like a lot, but organic farmers and local veg box delivery scheme Riverford believe not.

Andy and Haley who deliver to customers in Farnham said: “Our boxes are all about bringing the best of our fields into customers’ homes. They are a really inspiring way to cook from scratch, eat seasonally and pack a load of the green stuff into your diet.

“We’ve been growing and delivering for 30 years and really are obsessed with veg, in fact we call ourselves ‘veg nerds’. Sharing our knowledge, tips and recipes is all part of life with a veg box.”

Riverford is so obsessed with teaching people how to get to grips with the green stuff that they have a recipe app, online recipe hub, a new recipe channel and have even started rolling out veg cookery classes called Master Veg, across the country.

Founder and farmer Guy Watson believes squeezing 10 portions of fruit and veg into the daily diet is entirely possible, he said: “It is easy to add two or three vegetables into every meal. From beetroot gratins to chard galettes, leeks on toast to every-veg curry, it really is so easy to make vegetables the star of every dish.”

Riverford choose the crops they grow for flavour, rather than cosmetic perfection or high yield, for the “carrotiest” carrots and potatoes like grandad used to grow.

Customers regularly comment on tasting a difference from supermarket veg. They deliver to customers all around Farnham area, from their farm in Devon. From day one, they have been committed to running the business in an ethical way with minimal environmental impact as they go. Visit to find out more.