PLANS for the new skatepark at Jubilee Fields will go on public display during Yuletide weekend (December 1-2) and at a drop-in session between 10am and noon at the Jubilee skatepark on December 8.

Given the seal of approval at a full Alton Town Council meeting on October 17, the new skatepark will replace the existing facility which was built 25 more than years ago and, despite remaining popular, has become outdated and tired in appearance.

The initial idea for the project took shape last summer after town council leader Matthew Bayliss and councillor Pam Jones visited Eggar’s School, Amery Hill and Alton College to ask students for their views on facilities in the town for young people, a new skate park featured at the top of the list.

Following a site meeting, ‘Action Sport Alton’ was formed, comprising residents, skate park users, school pupils and representatives from ATC and Hampshire Playing Fields Association, to look at the options.

Setting a budget of £150,000, Alton Town Council went through the procurement process, agreeing to appoint Maverick Industries to supply and install the skate park.

It was agreed to apply for the draw down of £100,000 of developers’ contributions to fund the project, as well as committing a further £25,000 which had been secured as part of the new sports centre development, next door to the skate park.

‘Action Sport Alton’ was tasked with securing the remainder of the funding through grant applications – £1,000 has already been secured from Hampshire Playing Fields Association, with further applications submitted to Waitrose, Sport England, the National Lottery, district councillors, Veolia and I-Gas Community Fund.