Well shiver me timbers: a sea change is taking place in South Farnham as an overlooked play area is getting a much-needed makeover.

A nautical but nice development is taking shape off Weydon Lane as the long-awaited revamp of the Baldreys site has begun.

Work on a four-week overhaul of the facility began on March 3 with Waverley Borough Council previously putting three designs to a public vote.

Baldreys Play Area Revamp Farnham
The winning design for the revamp of Baldreys Recreation Ground. (Waverley Borough Council)

The winning design has a seafaring theme with a pirate ship climbing frame and slide being the centrepiece.

Youngsters can test their balancing skills by walking the plank with other additions including a seesaw, spinning compass, springers, swings and a sensory play panel.

The project should be completed well in time for the Easter holidays.