STELLAR Gymnastics have been shortlisted for the prestigious Club of the Year award by the sport’s national governing body British Gymnastics.

The news comes soon after being named Club of the Year at the Farnham Sports Council awards.

Hannah Fox, head coach of Stellar Gymnastics, said: “There are around 1,400 clubs affiliated to British Gymnastics, so to be recognised as a front runner in offering high-quality gymnastics teaching to our members and the local community is an absolute honour.

“And to be shortlisted in only our seventh year of operations is testament to how hard the staff at Stellar work.

“I am so proud of all of them, especially after their dedication over the pandemic.”

The national club award is presented to a British Gymnastics-affiliated club who provide a quality experience for their members.

The club managed to keep gymnastics coaching going during lockdown through Zoom and, when allowed, outdoor, socially-distanced classes.

They even produced gymnastics-based academic activities and resources to lighten the parental load and to provide a social lifeline for children for whom gymnastics is a massive part of their lives.

Stellar managed a safe and successful re-opening through careful planning and organisation.

The club say coaches and gymnasts have successfully re-engaged with ‘renewed vigour and enthusiasm’ which bodes well for their immediate and longer-term future.

Stellar Gymnastics have always aimed to be a club where gymnastics is accessible to all regardless of age and ability, and to this end they provide a range of classes.

The pre-school classes are recognised as the starting point for an introduction to fitness and health through fun gymnastics.

The club then develop this further in the various classes in general gymnastics and women’s artistic gymnastics which they offer school-age children.

These cater for differing abilities, hoping to maintain gymnasts’ passion for the sport and a pride in self-achievement.

This includes a focus on the drop-off age for girls’ sport through the availability of teen gymnastics, where the participants take greater ownership to develop their individual interest and skills while enjoying the social nature of sport.

Adult classes are also available – some participants enjoyed gymnastics when they were younger, while others are people who are keen to take up a new challenge.

The club have developed a successful and popular leadership/coaching academy for gymnasts aged 13-plus which encourages them to stay in the sport and grows the next generation of coaches and judges.

Stellar provide after-school classes in two secondary schools, a highlight of which is an annual friendly tournament for local secondary schools.

The club are a keen participant in many local charitable events, recognised and rewarded by the Farnham Sports Council.

The club moved into a dedicated facility in a local school and Stellar’s equipment is available to their PE department for curriculum use. This gives an even greater number of pupils access to gymnastics – and the use of specialist equipment and facilities they would not normally have.

“Over the past seven years – and especially during the past 20 months – Stellar have proved their commitment to the local community and to the sport of gymnastics by going above and beyond to provide high-quality, inclusive coaching and was rewarded by acquiring a well-equipped, dedicated facility,” added Hannah.

“This has created a real buzz within the club, and we are all looking forward to a productive and successful future.”

Anyone interested in classes at Stellar should visit the club’s website at