A musician is hoping to raise plenty of notes for youth causes in Farnham after becoming the town’s new mayor.

Cllr Brodie Mauluka is a “champion for young people” who has called on residents to share his vision for more music and sports opportunities for youngsters.

His ideals come from 27 years of experience as a youth worker and his positive experiences from youth clubs in Africa.

One of Cllr Mauluka’s first tasks as mayor was choosing two charities to support with his first being 40 Degreez, a centre on Dogflud Way which provides leisure, social and advisory activities to people aged 10 to 25.

The second is Charlie’s Promise, set up to reduce knife crime among youngsters following the stabbing of 17-year-old Charlie Cosser from Milford.

“I grew up using youth clubs in Zimbabwe and Malawi and I wanted to pay something back,” said Brodie, who ran The Plough on West Street until early May.

“I learned guitar there and had lots of opportunities to try out different sports, and the youth workers there showed me the pathway to being an adult.”

This is what he hopes his support will bring about in Farnham. 

His experience means he has clear ideas about what works well for youngsters, especially as he feels they face extra challenges these days.

He’s hopeful of getting the community’s support with plans including a World Music Day fundraising concert on August 11.

He said: “Young people are living in a very different world now, as both parents often have to work to pay the bills, and the children often don’t have those role models at home like we did.

“And government funding for youth services has been cut so we need more than every places where young people can go to do things and feel safe.”