Thousands of revellers assisted, 20 ambulance calls averted – and 3,500 lollipops handed out.

These are just some of the successes achieved by the Street Angel volunteers every year.

The team, managed by Guildford Town Centre Chaplaincy, receive a crucial £5,000 grant each year from Surrey’s Police and Crime Commissioner Lisa Townsend's Community Safety Fund for a coordinator.

And last Saturday, Surrey Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Lisa Townsend joined a night patrol shift.

During the evening, Ms Townsend and the team helped a young man who’d had too much to drink, visited the train station to make sure travellers were safe, and picked up glass bottles that could otherwise be used as weapons.

She said: “I’m so proud to support the Street Angels, who make such a positive difference in Guildford.

“This evening, we’ve visited the train station, where we know trouble can happen during the evenings. We’ve spoken with door staff at a range of venues around the town and stopped to chat to young people enjoying their night out.

“The Angels all give their time to make sure their community is safe. Most people will know them for the lollipops, as well as the flip-flops they give to those who have given up on uncomfortable shoes, but all who encounter the team will remember their kindness and care.

“I’d encourage anyone with an interest to visit the team’s website and sign up for a trial volunteer shift.”

The volunteers give up their time once a month between 10.30pm and 4am on a Friday or Saturday night to provide practical care and support to anyone who may have found themselves in a vulnerable state.

They help those who are intoxicated, homeless, or victims of assault – and are perhaps best-known for their pockets filled with lollipops.

The PCC has often supported the Angels with grants, most recently contributing £500 for volunteer uniforms, first aid kits, emergency blankets and flip-flops.

Volunteers have been giving their time for the past 17 years. The current team of 50 encounter 3,400 people, including 50 homeless people, and pick up more than 3,100 bottles in an average year. During their shifts, they walk around 10,000 steps.

To find out more or to volunteer, visit here.