Swaran Mini Market in Bentley is sponsoring AFC Bentley Academy under-11 football club in partnership with Snappy Shopper.

Hardav Singh, director of the Askern Road shop, has fronted the sponsorship, providing kits to all players in the under-11 team. The sponsorship will run from 2024 to 2026.

An AFC Bentley Academy spokesperson called the collaboration “fantastic”, with another community member saying the kits looked “very smart”.

Mr Singh praised the team’s recent successes and called for the community to support the youngsters next season.

He said: “The young team did so well last season - they remained undefeated - and we know they have a bright future ahead of them, with plenty of talent and support on their team.

“Supporting local youth sports is just one of the many ways we can make a positive impact. We are thrilled to sponsor these young athletes and look forward to celebrating their continued success.”