A drug dealer from Farnham who passed off cocaine as sweets has begun a four-year spell in prison.

Craig Warner was brought to justice after police found a cache of coded messages relating to drug supply on his phone.

They also found a large quantity of cash, scales, different bags of white power and drug paraphernalia after later raiding the 23-year-old’s address.

Warner was sentenced on June 5 at Guildford Crown Court after pleading guilty to a number of drug supply offences.

The court heard that Warner, who was arrested in November and who was caught dealing cocaine, ketamine and cannabis, forgot to delete some of the social media and text messages on his phone relating to supply.

He often referred to drugs through codewords like “crisps, sweets and packets” on Facebook, Snapchat and other forms of electronic message, but failed to cover his tracks.

The judge took Warner’s guilty pleas into consideration before handing the defendant a four-year sentence for dealing Class A, B and C drugs around the Farnham, Rushmoor and south west Surrey area.

Investigating officer, PC Simon Laidlaw of Surrey Police, was pleased with the result before warning other dealers of similar consequences if caught.

PC Laidlaw said: “Drug dealing has no place in our community and can cause untold damage to the lives of many.

He added: “We are pleased with this result and Warner will now spend the next four years in prison without being able to cause disruption in the local area."