An appealing event that offered revellers more bangers for their buck went down a treat in Farnham at the weekend.

The rain was a pain but the drinks kept flowing on Saturday as Farnham Fest returned to Gostrey Meadow.

More than 1,000 tickets were sold for the Farnham Lions event which incorporated the sausage and cider festival.

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The Sausage of the Festival contest was a highlight (Michael Carrington)

And there were plenty of cheers for the organisers thanks to their winning mix of street food, real ale and cider, live music and free children’s entertainment.

Jane Langton, event organiser and vice-president of the Farnham Lions, wanted to make this year’s event more family-friendly with the circus and children’s activities getting the nod of approval from parents.

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There were some happy faces at the cider bar (Michael Carrington)

She said: “We decided this year that we wanted to appeal to a wider audience and have more for the children.

“People seem to be loving the children’s activities, like the circus and teddy bear’s picnic, especially as kids get in free and it’s included in the price for adults, so they’re happy.

“There’s been plenty for adults, of course, and we’ve got our own cider and sausage tent for the first time.”

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The Farnham Lions event was family friendly (Micheal Carrington) (Michael Carrington)
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The live music went down a treat at the Gostrey Meadow event (Michael Carrington)

Misty Moon Cider, Beetle Juice cocktails and Wrights Brewery offered tipples while the heat was on Phil Williams and the Lions catering team as they cooked the bangers vying for the Sausage of the Festival.

Morgan’s on the Ridgeway, Hands of Rowledge and Farnham Family Butchers provided entries along with holders Kellwood & Co of Squire’s Garden Centre but there was no chance of favouritism as the chefs didn’t know whose bangers they were cooking.

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Children lapped up the fun and games in the circus tent (Michael Carrington)

“The guys don’t know which sausage is which apart from one chap, so it’s all being done blind,” said Mr Williams, with the public voting through colour-coded sticks.

The winner should be announced later this week.