A parliamentary hopeful for Farnham & Bordon has repeated calls for a redevelopment programme to be “reset” amid claims of a U-turn.

Conservative candidate Greg Stafford feels the Whitehill & Bordon Regeneration Company has lost the trust of its residents.

The Tory said he would lobby the Defence Infrastructure Organisation for a “complete reset of the project” in a statement on Facebook.

But that statement was tweaked within 18 hours of being posted – as a line about bringing in a new team was removed.

Mr Stafford has played down the deletion and maintains that changes need to be made at the WBRC as “promises haven’t been kept”.

The candidate told the Herald that while he has spoken with the WBRC – and insists there is much to be positive about – he has had “no substantive discussion” about his online comments.

He said: “I can’t honestly remember what this message related to as I’ve written so much, but what I’ve said is that we need a full reset.

“The plans were laid out many years ago and we need another look.

“The WBRC needs this to win the trust back from people and if they do that now we need to think of an alternative.”

The deletion was picked up by Mr Stafford’s opponents with Labour candidate Alex Just accusing the Tory of failing to hold a consistent view for 24 hours.

Mr Just said: The Conservative candidate’s 18-hour U-turn on kicking out the regeneration company is a sign of how complacent the Tories are about this seat.”