A valued member of Waverley and Guildford Councils has stepped down to pursue new challenges.

Ian Doyle, the strategic director for transformation and governance, left Guilford and Waverley Councils on Friday, September 13.

He played an important role in putting a team in place and a delivery plan to provide a pathway to financial stability for Guildford Borough Council.

A statement issued by the council on February 16, alerted residents to plans to investigate whether correct governance processes were followed in the letting and management of housing maintenance contracts. Concern arose after a £18.5 million overspend was discovered by an internal investigation.

Ian was one of the senior officers responsible for the service area at the time the contracts were let. He agreed to take a temporary step back whilst an external law firm investigated the contracts.

Waverley and Guildford want to make it clear that it was not the intention of the Councils to suggest in that statement any criminal wrongdoing whatsoever on Ian’s part.

He was instrumental in re-establishing community access for community disabled sport at The Edge Leisure Centre in Haslemere. As well as strengthening relationships with Guildford City FC and supporting the growth of women’s and children’s cricket facilities.

Ian said: “I look back on my achievements in a challenging time for local government with pride. I have thoroughly enjoyed it.The place and people get into your heart, and I have been lucky enough to collaborate with fantastic people, clubs, and community groups.

“Both councils have dedicated, hardworking, committed people who love delivering services to their own community.

I have massively enjoyed working for Waverley and Guildford but now is the time for me to seek new challenges. I wish the best for the staff of both councils and the people and communities of Guildford and Waverley.”