A Farnham mum has launched a campaign to tackle the ongoing pothole problem in her town.
Ms Meredith-Hardy finds more potholes in Farnham.
Theresa Meredith-Hardy, a mother of two young girls, became so fed up with the poor state of local roads that she began recording and reporting every pothole she found.

She has raised concerns about the standard of repairs made by the Surrey County Council’s contractor, Ringway, claiming the patch-up jobs often fail within months due to subpar materials.
Ms Meredith-Hardy, who is also a Liberal Democrat candidate for the county council, said: "The same potholes keep getting filled, but the repairs never last. It's just a cycle of quick fixes that don’t address the underlying problem.

“If the council can’t get the pothole issue right, how can it properly run its other important services, like children’s services?”
She highlighted the ongoing cost-of-living crisis, adding: “If we constantly have to replace our car tyres due to potholes, it will only make life even more challenging.”

Photos taken during the canvassing showed poorly fixed or untouched potholes on Ridgway Road and Green Lane, with some patches only partially completed or left incomplete altogether.

Cllr Matt Furniss, county council cabinet member for highways, transport and economic growth, said the authority was taking the issue seriously.
He said: “We have some of the country’s busiest roads and this naturally takes its toll but we’re working incredibly hard to improve them, with nearly £300 million allocated to repairing and improving Surrey’s roads and pavements over the next five years.
“We’re also repairing potholes in less than three days after inspection, carrying out larger-scale fixes and using AI technology to speed up pothole detection.
“As part of our major improvements to Farnham, the town centre and South Street will be resurfaced in the future.”

Peter Goodman from the Farnham Cycle Campaign also backed Ms Meredith-Hardy’s campaign.
He said: "Farnham Cycle Campaign is very concerned about the state of local road surfaces.
“Cyclists are often forced to avoid potholes by swerving dramatically to avoid coming off their bike.
“This is one of the reasons that rule 163 of the Highway Code requires cars to leave a minimum of 1.5 meters (5 feet) between the extremity of the car and the bike ie wing mirror to handlebars.
“It is also disappointing that the Farnham Infrastructure Programme has still not resurfaced South Street as part of their £15 million town centre project."
Ms Meredith-Hardy urged residents to sign an online petition at www.waverleylibdems.org.uk/pothole-petition to build public pressure for addressing the pothole issue.