With the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games fast approaching, Farnham Sports Council’s June meeting promoted an Olympic theme.

The keynote speaker was local resident Joanne Watson who, because of her professional BBC Sport background, is highly knowledgeable on the history of the modern Summer Olympic Games and has recently published her book In the Footsteps of Olympia.

Farnham Sports Council chairman David Gill said: “Jo’s knowledge of the Olympic journey is pretty unique and she managed to give a potted history of the greatest sporting event in the world in less than half an hour – amazing!”

Guest speaker Mat Mason talked about his Community Kit Bag project. An initiative that started with four pairs of boots – to enable some youngsters to be able to afford to play rugby – has grown substantially. His problem now, he explained, is that demand is increasing and he’s often running out of useful stock. Mat encouraged more clubs to recycle kit and ideally provide donation stations at their clubs.

This summer is the 50th anniversary of Farnham taking part in the BBC television programme It’s a Knockout. One of the participants, Ian Carter, attended the latest sports council meeting. Farnham enjoyed great success in 1974 and even took part in the European final of Jeux Sans Frontieres. Ian is trying to arrange a reunion for those who were involved with the events of 1974. Anyone who would like to attend should email Ian on [email protected]

This year’s Farnham Carnival takes place on Saturday, June 29, and – to coincide with the Olympic year – this year’s theme is Keep Farnham Active. Farnham Sports Council are enthusiastically supporting the carnival and parade.

Any clubs interested in joining Farnham Sports Council or finding out more about their work should go to the sport’s council’s website at www.farnhamsportscouncil.co.uk