Wrecclesham Tennis Club are holding an open afternoon from 2pm to 4pm on Saturday, March 15.
There will be free 30-minute sessions for younger juniors, older juniors and adults, as well as cardio tennis sessions.
The club’s courts at Wrecclesham Recreation Ground will also be open for social play on the day.
Racquets will be provided, although participants are asked to wear suitable tennis shoes.
There will be a 20 per cent discount on the club’s annual subscription for any new members who take out membership on the day.
Anyone who wishes to attend Wrecclesham Tennis Club’s open afternoon must book their spot before the day.
Anyone who would like more information about the club and the coaching it provides, and to book their spot at the open afternoon, should visit the club’s website at www.wreccleshamtennis.org.uk for further details.