An author from Elstead will be one of the first people to have their work featured at Farnham Radio Theatre.

Anne Brooke’s short story collection Dancing with Lions and Other Stories will be recorded by husband and wife Ian and Sara Wilson-Soppitt, who are two of the founders. She has been writing since 2000 with recent books on women’s fiction but is “delighted” to be a part of an initiative that puts the spotlight on local talent and being able to enjoy new stories.

Anne said: “I know Sara from the Elstead Village News magazine. She called me and asked me to provide a couple of stories for the radio theatre and I didn't quite know what she wanted so I sent her two very different things.

“I'm focusing on changes in people's lives when something happens or they seek something and their whole thought process or their whole life changes. A sense of a very comic one about a word, two words in a dictionary and Candy and Catharsis.

“Not having a relationship, but attempting to have one because they are very different. I thought she might like that and a more serious one. The Secret Thoughts of Leaves is about a man's relationship with trees and nature.”

There are a total of 13 stories in the collection and any one of them could be turned into an audiobook at the Theatre. Reviews of Anne’s work have described it as “dazzling” and “wonderfully written” with 4 stars and above.

Make sure to keep your ears wide open for when the stories get released.

Farnham Radio Theatre is still looking for local writers, producers, and actors to send in their work to get the mic rolling.

For more information, visit

Check out Anne’s books at