ST George’s Church in Badshot Lea has hymn books to give away. If anyone would like one just pop in and collect a book – the church is open every day from 10am to 4pm except for school holidays and Sundays.

Rev Lesley Crawley said: “At St George’s we realised that it was time to buy some new hymn books. We were using two hymns books and some hymns were in one, some in another and other more modern hymns that we sing were in neither.

“We used to have extra hymns on bits of paper but it was becoming very frustrating. We can’t sell the hymn books because they are out of date, but if anyone would like one they are free to a good home.”

“You may remember we did this at St John’s, Hale, last year and we gave away 300 hymn books in the end – it was lovely because people left messages thanking us and it was great to think that the books will continue to be used and loved by members of the community.”