Farnham residents can learn more about one of the town’s most generous groups during a special event next weekend.

The Farnham Lions Club will showcase its work and volunteering opportunities during an Open Day at the Ivy Lane Club next Saturday, March 22.

People who visit the town centre venue between 11am and 3pm will be able to see examples of their activities and have a chat with members.

“The club is a cornerstone of community spirit and has a mission to make a difference to the local community and beyond,” said a spokesperson.

“The Open Day is an opportunity for residents to learn more about the work the Lions carry out to support both individuals, community organisations and local charities, and how funds are raised and spent.”

The event is the perfect introduction to the group for would-be volunteers, while light refreshments and nibbles will be available for guests. People who would like to attend can also email openday@farnhamlions@org.uk

Dozens of firms and well-wishers around the Farnham area can also expect a big Christmas card from the group as the final sum raised by their 2024 Advent has been announced.

The Lions made a whopping £7,750 profit from the festive initiative with the funds being distributed to people in need throughout the Farnham area.

More than 84 per cent of donated prizes were claimed with an early call going out to businesses and supporters for the Christmas 2025 push.

“We would love to hear from organisations willing to participant in Advent 2025,” said Farnham Lion, Phil Williams.

“We’re looking for prizes with a value of around £50 but this is just for guidance, and we will promote your logo on the raffle ticket and website.”

He added: “We would like to thank everyone for their ongoing support.”