Farnham and Bordon’s MP Gregory Stafford is calling on residents to join him in signing a petition to reverse a “cruel” government policy that will affect nearly ten million people.

Chancellor Rachel Reeves has made the controversial decision to scrap winter fuel payments for all those who are not on pension credits or other means-tested benefits.

The government is hoping the change will help them recoup the £22bn black hole in public spending which they blame on the Tories.

But the move has prompted widespread concern and criticism with a petition launched by Age UK against the scrapping quickly gaining more than 400,000 signatures.

The charity strongly opposed the policy as they estimate two million people will be without warmth this winter, with the prospect of an additional ten per cent rise in bills exacerbating the issue.

Age UK has called the policy choice “wrong” in a strongly-worded statement with the good cause fearing it will “potentially jeopardise the health as well as finances of millions of older people this winter.”

Mr Stafford shares their view with the Conservative calling on his constituents to sign the petition and show a message to Labour that the decision needs reversing.

He said: “I have been clear from the start about my opposition to this cruel policy and I will continue to speak out against it.

“Our pensioners deserve better than this and with cynicism in politics running at a record high this decision by Labour, one of the first it made when it came to power, whilst at no stage mentioning it during the general election, only adds to that cynicism.”

He added: “Labour needs to reverse this decision now and restore the winter fuel allowance to all pensioners.”

To sign the petition visit https://tinyurl.com/358vberk