A north Farnham church is appealing for help to restore its bell tower which is in need of urgent repair.

St John’s Church in Hale has launched a crowdfunding appeal towards the repairs which are expected to cost in the region of £50,000. It will include scaffolding and repair to the masonry which is showing its age after 180 years.

A spokesperson for the church explained why the money is needed: “St John the Evangelist, is a beautiful Victorian church, designed by Benjamin Ferrey, a pupil of the famous architect Pugin.

“It was opened in 1844 and since then has served the community of Hale in north Farnham. It is peaceful sanctuary and holds church services every Sunday.

“Generations have been baptised, married and buried there and there are many familiar local names on the gravestones in the churchyard. 

“However, the building is in jeopardy as 180 years of sun, wind and rain have taken their toll, particularly on the tower which is the most exposed area, and we need to repair it.

“We will be holding fundraising events and applying for grants but we need extra help too as we expect the bill to be at least £50,000. So we are asking the public for help with this to ensure that St John’s can be kept open for generations to come.”

St John’s is part of the parish of Badshot Lea and Hale and is the oldest of the three churches in the parish. The others are St Mark’s in Upper Hale and St George’s in Badshot Lea.

There are two fundraising pages, one at https://tinyurl.com/St-Johns-Gofundme. The other is https://tinyurl.com/St-Johns-JustGiving

Cheques, made out to Badshot Lea and Hale PCC, can be sent to:

Parish Office, St Mark’s Church and Community Centre, Alma Lane, Farnham, GU9 0LT.