Take your partner by the hand and head to Upper Hale as a summer barn dance will take place at the home of the Kitty Milroy murals tonight (Friday, July 19).

Festival regulars Cajun Boogaloo will strike up and provide the music during the shindig at St Mary’s Church with doors opening at 6pm.

There will be traditional reels, square dances, circle dances and a lot of fun for all ages and abilities with clear instructions from caller Kris Lawrence. 

Seating and tables will be provided for the less energetic while visitors can either bring their own food and drink, or splash out on tea, coffee and cake.

Entry is free but donations will be appreciated with dancing from 6.30pm.

A spokesperson for the church said: “Our barn dances are great community events, suitable for all ages and backgrounds. 

“You don’t need to have any experience of dancing and half the fun is getting it a bit wrong!

“Kris Lawrence is such a highly experienced caller that she can get even people with two left feet and no coordination to dance. And Cajun Boogaloo are a professional and extremely entertaining band.”

St Mark’s Church is part of the Anglican parish of Badshot Lea and Hale in north Farnham and is home to the Kitty Milroy murals, painted in the early 20th century by artist Catherine (Kitty) Milroy and now recognised as outstanding examples of mural art and important in the development of women's art in the 20th century. 

There will be an opportunity to see the murals at the barn dance.