East Hampshire District Council has refused plans to construct four detached self-build houses and four open-market houses on land east of Homeview in Petersfield Road, Ropley.
Among the objectors to the scheme was The Ropley Society, which said: “The Ropley Society objects to this application on the basis that alterations to the visibility splays at the entrance to the site do not alter the fact that the application remains in conflict with the made Ropley Neighbourhood Plan and East Hampshire District Council planning policies.
“Policy RNP20 of the Ropley Neighbourhood Plan states that this site is restricted to either self-build or custom-built dwellings and the approved site does not include the additional area at the rear of the site.
“Policy RNP3 of the Ropley Neighbourhood Plan designates the additional site area as part of an Area of Significant Visual Prominence and therefore development is not supported.
“The market housing area of the site does not comply with East Hampshire District Council planning policy CP19, and constitutes development in the countryside.”
Ropley Parish Council’s planning committee said: “Ropley Parish Council wishes to object to the application for the additional four open market houses.
“Building outside the settlement policy boundary is contrary to the Ropley Neighbourhood Plan, and while the four self-build houses were supported in the plan the additional houses were not part of the plan and are situated outside the settlement policy boundary.”