Councillors are feeling flush with excitement as plans to replace a poor and “outdated” toilet block in the heart of Farnham have been submitted.

The application by Plan A UK Ltd on behalf of Farnham Town Council is part of a bid to revamp Gostrey Meadow with a play area upgrade also in the pipeline.

Both schemes are likely to be discussed at this Thursday’s (Jan 23) town council meeting but the application for a new toilet block has been lodged with Waverley Borough Council.

The proposed “simple and sturdy” building is topped with a gently curved roof that will collect rainwater and support solar panels.

The development also includes a secure compound and storage space for the FTC estates team and incorporates the adjacent underused Borelli shelter.

“The project can improve user experience while contributing positively to the overall character of the meadow,” states the applicants.

“In-keeping with Charles Borelli’s passion for community enhancement and conservation, the design also incorporates features that respect the natural environment”.

The firm’s design and access statement says the existing toilet facilities at Gostrey Meadow are in a poor state and have reached the end of their lifecycle.