North Farnham will be the site of a county first as a pioneering scheme to ban cars from getting close to the school gates is “moving in the right direction”.

Picking-up time will soon become a lot more peaceful as Bullers Road will be closed at school drop-off and pick-up time in the first scheme of its kind in the county.

North Farnham councillor Catherine Powell has given an update to the Herald on the ‘School Street’ plan which will effectively close off the road at its busiest times.

The plan aims to create a “safer, healthier and more pleasant environment” by banning cars and prioritising pedestrians.

Parents and carers will be asked to walk, scoot or cycle with their children to school or park further away.

The green light was given to the Bullers Road ‘School Street’ after a public consultation last year with technical aspects of the project now being finalised. An information evening is planned while an online scheme to allow affected residents to apply for permits will soon go live.

Heath End School has been in regular contact with parents about the scheme, which will see ANPR cameras installed to check vehicles that enter and exit Bullers Road during the period of operation.

“We’ll be posting information soon as there’s going to be an information evening here for Bullers Road residents,” said Heath End School principal, Stuart Maginnis.

Some vehicles will be exempt from the restrictions with residents, blue badge holders, school transport lorries, carers and health workers fitting in this category.

Emergency vehicles, bin lorries and Royal Mail vehicles will get automatic exemptions.

“It’s going to be the first one in Surrey,” said Cllr Powell.

“They’re rolling out a new IT system for residents to apply for permits and I tested it with officers last Friday.

“We got some good feedback so it’s in the process of being updated now. We’re also in the process of organising a meeting with residents but we haven’t got a date yet.”

Cllr Powell also believes the Weybourne Road School Safety Scheme has made a big difference with a new footway, crossing and traffic calming measures being installed.

She added: “I think the road safety measures on Weybourne Road are really working and having that crossing and the speed bumps has made such a difference.”

Potters Gate School Street Farnham
Views have been sought on a “School Street” plan that will restrict traffic around Potters Gate Primary School. (Tindle/Paul Ferguson)

Not content with having a Surrey first, Farnham could also be home to the county’s second “School Street” as the wheels are turning on plans to roll out similar restrictions in the area around Potters Gate Primary School.

An engagement event took place in January although feedback appeared to be mixed, with the installation of ANPR cameras being a big talking point.

The cameras reputedly cost £50,000 but SCC will cover the bill with funding coming from the highways pot.

The council has also held talks with officers in other local authorities on how School Streets can be implemented locally. Hundreds are already operational around the country with the scheme proving popular in London boroughs like Lambeth.