Two areas surrounding Farnham will not be offered greater protection from development despite major calls from the public.

Land off Waverley Lane and to the north of the valley around Rock House was expected to be included in the New Surrey Hills National Landscape (formerly Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty).

The sites looked set to be included within its boundaries as Wey Valley Farnham had the third-highest level of support in a consultation organised by Natural England.

But neither made the final cut so will not be subject to the greater environmental protection being part of the National Landscape would have offered.

Catherine Powell, Surrey County Councillor for Farnham North, reacted with dismay to the snub, calling it “a shortsighted decision”.

She said: “I was very disappointed that Tices Meadow was not included in the previous phase of work completed for the Surrey Hills National Landscape Plans and am devastated that two more areas adjoining Farnham have been dropped. 

“Important green corridors which will be vital for nature recovery are not being protected as they should be and neither are the beautiful landscapes around our town.”

“Farnham simply doesn't have the infrastructure to support more development - lack of secondary school places being the most pressing issue. We need to protect the environment and development needs to be plan-led with infrastructure first.”

A spokesperson for Natural England said: “We considered over 1,500 responses as part of the public consultation and we have used evidence-based methodology.

“The boundaries to the Wey Valley landscape have been amended and two minor deletions proposed.

“This is because of a permitted housing development, and to exclude flatter land that falls outside of the valley sides, in order to have a boundary which defines the whole of the valley.”

A second round of consultation is expected to begin soon.