The League of Friends of Haslemere Hospital (LFHH) is still going strong in improving health services in the community.

The charity reflected on the work that has been achieved in the last year and listened to a talk by chair of the Royal Surrey Foundation Trust (RSFT) Joss Bigmore at its 72nd annual general meeting.

In April, the LFHH spent more than £20,000 on purchasing new equipment for the minor injuries unit and the physiotherapy department and provided furniture for two seating areas on the wards with televisions and bookcases. Recently, the organisation paid £11,000 for a new bladder scanner which has been praised for the difference it has made.

Chairman Rose Parry said: “We are keen to support the ongoing investment in services at Haslemere hospital and the committee are committed to improving local health care at the hospital when ever possible.”

Joss added: “Thank you. The time you all give means the money that gets donated translates almost one for one in what you can do, so you should never undervalue the time that you give.

“The minor Injuries unit has been a phenomenal success. It is taking on average, 50 attendees a day from the money side and we had a daily attendance two weeks ago of over 300. The redirection and the success of the site has dramatically improved the situation on the mainframe.”

LFHH will continue to work with the RSFT on upgrading local health services with two projects already in the works.