A bar owner fears a plan to convert a Farnham landmark into housing could have “severe consequences” for his business, neighbours and town centre trade.
A decision is pending on plans by JBS Development to convert part of the former NatWest branch on West Street and its adjoining wing into six properties.
The applicants say the grade II-listed building will be “meticulously transformed” into a mix of commercial space, town houses and apartments if approval is granted by Waverley Borough Council.
But the proposal also includes the loss of 23 parking spaces, with the area being gated off and turned into private parking.
“The existing car park area, which is currently leased as part of the central car park, will be reconfigured to create a gated residential zone with parking and outside amenity spaces,” reads the design and access statement.

David Quick of Borelli’s Wine Bar & Grill is one of the neighbours to raise concerns as he fears the loss of the parking area, which includes three disabled bays, will hurt town centre trade and Borelli’s Yard.
He also has concerns future residents could ask WBC to place late night noise and usage restrictions on the courtyard. He fears a precedent has been set as usage of the Slug & Lettuce courtyard was restricted when residents moved into Brightwells Yard next door.
Mr Quick said: “We’ve had a licence in place since 1997 and the courtyard here is a huge part of our business, especially in the summer.
“Anything that would be detrimental to that would have a serious consequence for our business. I also think any planning application in the town centre has to be able to coexist with existing business and this does none of that.”
More details about the scheme can be found by typing 02264 into https://planning360.waverley.gov.uk/