A proposal from CR Properties Limited to build 170 new houses in Farnham’s Centrum Business Park on East Street has raised concerns.

People are worried that the number of houses along with associated car parking and landscaping, will have a significant impact on the environment and are pushing for an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). The site was approved for 150 dwellings in the Farnham Neighbourhood Plan.

Maddox Planning did submit a report on behalf CR Properties Limited about possible effects on the environment. However, they believe an EIA is only required if the site is considered to be sensitive to new development.

Neighbours have been voicing their objections to the proposal, citing traffic congestion, blocking existing views, flooding and sewage and the need for an EIA because of these issues.

The report stated: “The site is not considered to be sensitive to new development and any environmental impacts are unlikely to be significant, complex or widespread.

“Potential environmental effects associated with traffic, air quality, noise, ground conditions, pollution, flooding, ecology, visual and other physical changes resulting from the proposed development have been considered and are not expected to be significant with the standard project/construction mitigation where required.”

A requested screening opinion from Nature England agrees, as the site is not located within any special scientific, conservation or protection areas.

In April, Cllr Catherine Powell said: “My understanding is that for developments in excess of 150 dwellings an EIA is required. The proposal is for 170 houses/dwellings, it is my strong view that an EIA is required for this development.”

Waverley Borough Council is handling the application and requested clarification over views and CGIS which the developer had outlined but not included in the submission.

An update is expected on Monday, June 10. For more information, visit https://tinyurl.com/170-new-dwellings-application