Farnham Mayor Alan Earwaker recognised the outstanding contributions of 11 individuals at this year’s Services to Farnham Awards. The Awards were inspired and sponsored by the late Sir Ray Tindle CBE DL.

Cliff Watts, who was unable to attend the ceremony was presented with his award separately.

See below for a full list of 2024 recipients and citations:

Adam Chambers, Maria Finch and Tony Marshall

Adam, Maria and Tony were co-founders of the 12th Farnham (Wrecclesham) Scouts around ten years ago.

Adam became the Group Scout Leader and has been the Responsible Person for the past decade.

Maria spent ten years running the Beaver Scout section as well as leading in Cubs.

Having achieved the Queen Scout Award, Tony continued as a Sea Scout volunteer and still trains young sailors. He also volunteers to support Farnham Amateur Operatic Society (FAOS).

All three have recruited a community of ten scout leaders and have been able to maintain a regular programme of activities and have dedicated themselves in supporting over 150 young people.

Chris Blake

Chris is a familiar figure to elderly and less independent residents who need help in getting to and from medical appointments. He has done almost 2,000 drives, covering around 50,000 miles for Care Farnham over the past nine years and is also a Trustee and Transport Officer.

Mike Downs

Has been a committee member of the Park View Residents’ Association for the last 12 years including being Deputy Chairman and Chairman.

Mike has developed and maintained links with local Town, Borough and County Councillors and has spent time in local and national planning requirements to ensure local concerns were taken into account.

He has also championed his community on issues relating to the East Street/Brightwells development and the Farnham Infrastructure programme and has made a significant contribution for the residents of Folly Hill/Park View Residents’ Association.

Charles Hermon Frost

For 17 years, Hermon has organised a classic car show in Farnham to raise funds to support Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice Care. He has volunteered thousands of hours over the years to make the free and accessible event happen.

Over the years Hermon (now also supported by his daughter and granddaughter) has raised over £16,500 to support the Hospice.

Andrew Henderson

As a volunteer driver for Care Farnham he has averaged 2-3 drives a week over the past seven years and also drives for the Williams Club and has been a Care Farnham Trustee.

Andrew is the founder and current Chairman of FAST UK, a small Farnham based charity working with Roma communities; and also made key contributions to the Weybourne Community Church and now Crondall Baptist Church.

Peter Jeans

An important contributor to the Farnham Community, especially through the Dempster Trust, serving as a Trustee for 20 years including a period as Chairman.

Peter is also the founder and Chairman of non-profit charity Alice Holt Inclusive Cycling set up over 20 years ago.

Supporting over 1,000 clients, Peter leads 14 volunteers and the weekly activities throughout the year and has fundraised for specialist cycles of all types.

David Lang

Has used his professional IT skills in the support of the Farnham Society and the Farnham Building Preservation Trust and the Public Art Trust.

As a long serving member of the Heritage Open Days Committee (HODs) he designs the full colour Heritage Open Days brochure and assists with bookings to the many events.

David has also created websites for the Farnham Building Preservation Trust and the Public Art Trust.

Richard Sandars

Devotes endless time and energy to community affairs. As Chair of the Old Church Lane Residents’ Association and as a volunteer for the Bourne Conservation Group for over 20 years.

Since 2011, he has been Secretary of the Bourne Conservation Group and led the Group’s History Project creating a comprehensive picture of the heritage of The Bourne and overseeing conservation of the Old Bourne Churchyard and its monuments.

With his late wife Celia, Richard has also been a significant contributor to the work of the Farnham Theatre Association.

Cliff Watts

He has chaired the Badshot Lea Community Association for many years and is a trustee and treasurer of the Hop Kiln.

Cliff was one of the first people to realise the importance of the Neighbourhood Plan and spent many hours contributing to planning meetings and appeals against development in inappropriate locations and keeping the village up to date.

At the Hop Kiln, Cliff undertakes many roles and has also been instrumental in supporting Farnham in Bloom, the pond restoration, and the development of the Community Garden.

Nominations for the 2025 awards are now open and can be submitted at www.farnham.gov.uk/servicestofarnham