Surrey County Council have announced the launch of this year’s Your County Councillor Fund. Residents and groups in Surrey can now apply for up to £5000 of funding through their local councillors.

Last year the Fund supported over 380 community projects through the 81 Surrey County Councillors this came to  £404,330 of grants given out to local groups and Surrey residents.  

This community fund is designed to help with costs for community projects that can range from purchasing sports equipment for local clubs to the creation of websites and providing financial support that improve the quality of life for residents in Surrey. 

Surrey County Council Deputy Leader Denise Turner-Stewart said:

“As a council we are committed to working together with communities to improve the lives of people living or working in Surrey. The Your Councillor Community Fund is a great example of how even a small amount of funding can make a big difference in the communities we serve. These initiatives can help to deliver such things as sports for fitness, places to come together, providing facilities that help improve health and wellbeing and in other cases an improved pride in their local areas. 

“It embodies our commitment to empowering local residents to have a say and make a real difference in their own communities. By supporting initiatives driven by the passion and dedication of our residents, we aim to create vibrant, inclusive communities where everyone thrives”. 

The Your Councillor Community Fund is open now and closes in January 2025.