A £1.2million bid to repair the historic Farnham home of the town’s museum has been given a big lottery boost.

Waverley Borough Council has received £230,310 from the National Lottery Heritage Fund to support its programme of work at Willmer House.

The funding is in addition to the £734,355 Museum Estate and Development grant secured through Arts Council England.

Work at the West Street property include repairs to the façade and the replacement of its Portland stone windowsill and doorstep.

Repair work is expected to run from late summer to the end of 2025 with the museum remaining open to the public throughout.

“We are delighted to receive this further funding for what is such an important historical building,” said Cllr Kika Mirylees, WBC portfolio holder for community services, leisure and EDI.

“The funding will allow much-needed essential repairs to take place but also ensure the long-term conservation of this wonderful building. 

“We are extremely grateful to the Heritage Fund for assisting us in this important project.” 

There’s another boost as WBC will work with Farnham charity Creative Response and the Farnham Maltings to offer opportunities to create art based on the stories and architecture of Willmer House.

Peter Glanville, CEO of Farnham Maltings, said the funding will enable Willmer House to serve the people of Farnham for years to come.

He added: “We look forward to welcoming the community to learn more about the intricate restoration work taking place, and discover the wonderful local stories held within the museum.”